Class OrderLineAddress


This Class represents a dataobject for an OrderLineAddress

Variable Summary
string $Address
int $Amount
string $City
string $Comment
string $Company
string $CountryIso
string $DeliveryDate
string $DeliveryTime
string $Firstname
int $Id
string $Lastname
int $LineId
string $Zip
string $Address

The Address of the OrderLineAddress

int $Amount

The amount of the product of the orderline

string $City

The City of the OrderLineAddress

string $Comment

The Comment of the OrderLineAddress

string $Company

The Company of the OrderLineAddress

string $CountryIso

The Country Iso of the OrderLineAddress

string $DeliveryDate

The Delivery Date of the OrderLineAddress

string $DeliveryTime

The Delivery Time of the OrderLineAddress

string $Firstname

The Firstname of the OrderLineAddress

int $Id

The id of the OrderLineAddress

string $Lastname

The Lastname of the OrderLineAddress

int $LineId

The id of the orderline to which this lineaddress belongs

string $Zip

The Zip of the OrderLineAddress

Documentation generated on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:22:47 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4